There was a preview of the graduate theses by our postgraduate students. Tutors at Craft and Furniture Making Dept. examined their presentation.

Students' works were exhibited in the room.

Postgraduate students spend most of their second year for researching and practising their own theme, and write graduate thesis for the final presentation.
It is worth choosing one subject while they are at school to develop their knowledge and skills as the world of woodworking is so broad. It will become useful skills for them once they graduate from here.
Haruyo Kuno's theme is the utilization of local material and culture through running craft making workshops and developing craft products.
She was in charge of a craft making course at a local woodworking workshop last year as well as producing commercial crafts of her own. She is planning to have her own workshop and run some courses, so her research is in accordance with her future plan. She actually developed some craft products from the craft making course, then fed them back to the course. Product making and course running are interacted with each other to develop the quality.

Yasuhiko Kuwamura studied on the method of connecting people with natural environment.
He focused on the woodturning -both man-powered and electric- as a method for the public to be more concerned and involved with their natural environment. He planned and ran some woodturning courses which became a part of his thesis.

Kazue Shinkawa is going to build her career as a picture framer. She has been researching on picture frames that derives the charm of the artwork. She is also keen on using Japanese traditional design and material on her frames.

There were some bitter comments from tutors, but some of their presentations were quite impressive too, regarding they started learning woodworking from scratch just two years ago.
They rewrite their theses after this preview and present them at the final presentation in fronto of all tutors and students on 21st Feb.