Shinsuke studied green wood chair making in Britain.

There used to be pole lathes in Japan, mainly for turning bowls and plates. In Western countries they use it for shaping long pieces like chair legs as well as bowls.
The great advantage of these tools is that you can start woodworking without a huge investment. It is safe and fun as well. Green wood is so soft to turn on the man-powered lathe that even children can enjoy without a risk of injury.
I am planning to introduce these tools to the craft and furniture making course in the Academy, and the first pole lathe is now under construction. It will be used for various activities at the Academy.
Thanks to Shisuke for showing great tools to us!

先日の生涯教育講座でスプーンづくりを実施した際、参加者のお一人の加藤慎輔さんにちょっと変わった道具を持ってきていただきました。足踏み旋盤(pole lathe)と削り馬(shaving horse)です。これらは欧米で、電気を使わずに生木を加工する木工、グリーンウッドワーキング(green woodworking)に使われる道具です。
