We had a 'spoon making course' for the public in 10-11th June.
The course was very popular and we received application requests from more than 20 people. 11 of them were selected and attended the course.
We first showed the participants tens of different spoons and asked them which design they would appriciate. One of the participants' favourite was a very expensive spoon designed by a famous designer. Interestingly the other favourite was the cheapest of all which was bought at the 'pound shop'.
All the participants then experienced the difference of design by using those spoons at the dinner party, trying each spoon with mouthful of curry. It surprised them how the subtle difference of the design affects the taste and texture.
The next day all of them made their original wooden spoons with flet saws, knives and files. Some of them frequently put the spoon into their mouth to check the detail curve. They all finished the pieces with natural walnut oil (freshly roasted and chopped walnut, wrapped in the cotton cloth).
The spoons looked wonderful at the end of the course. They will surely make their everyday meal tastier.
講座ではまず、ものづくり研究会が集めた数十本のスプーンを並べて、見た目に美しいスプーン・ベスト3を選んでいただきました。素材は木、金属、プラス チックとさまざま、形もバラエティに富んでいます。おもしろいことにベスト3には、一流デザイナーのブランドものと、100円ショップの格安ものが肩を並 べました。
そんなデザイン考察をふまえて、いよいよ自分だけのスプーンづくり。小刀で削り、ヤスリで磨いて、時には口に含んだりして、微妙なカーブを形作っていきま した。最後はクルミの実をつぶしたオイルを塗ってできあがり。一流デザイナーにまけないすばらしいスプー ンができました。参加者のみなさんの日々の食事の味わいが、きっと深まることと思います。