We prepared dinner together after the first day's work.
I organize the 'curry study group' at Forest Academy. So I offered my recipe and cooked curry with the participants.
Finely chopped onion had been fried well in advance by Morikaze staffs. We ground eight spices and fried them together.

I learned how to cook curry in Britain. Why curry? I studied British people's enthusiasm on curry during my stay in Britain. They were so keen to cook good curry.
Chicken korma curry was ready after an hour of simmering. It tasted delicious (my smile is telling it!).

Morikaze staffs made tempura: deep fried wild plants, boiled pork salad, and boiled wild plants with cottage cheese. Everything was so delicious! Good food raises the quality of the programme.

There was another purpose for the curry. Every participant tried various spoons when they ate curry, and felt the difference of design on their mouth. Note a participant walking with a spoon on her hand. She was trying another spoon.
We have done this experiment when we ran a spoon making course at Forest Academy last year. Your mouth tells the subtle difference of design better than your eyes.
撮影:森と風のがっこうスタッフ 古川健太郎さんと黍原豊さん
Photos by Mr. Yutaka Kibihara and Mr. Kentaro Furukawa, Morikaze Nature School