The dimension of the lathe is taken from the books 'Green Woodwork' and 'Living Wood' by Mike Abbott, the green woodworking guru in Britain, who I studied chair making from.
They use heavy hardwood such as oak in Britain, but we tried Japanese cypress for easier transporting. You can assemble and take it apart in just ten minutes. Simple but works well.
We believe the pole lathe is the best tool for our Academy as we have a range of wood-related courses from woodland management to craft making. Actually some professors of environmental education course were so impressed by this tool that now they want to run short programs for nature schools all over Japan.
We are going to develop some small products for such programs, and train staffs for them, as well as developing smaller and lighter version of the lathe. We hope many students will come and study green woodwork at the Academy and they will run various programs at nature schools in Japan.

私がイギリスで椅子づくりを学んだグリーン・ウッドワーク(生木を使った木工)の第一人者、マイク・アボットさんの著書「Green Woodwork」「Living Wood」を参考に作りました。