We had great chefs for our woodturning course. Mr. Kenji Sakuma, who lives local, is a frequent participant of our short courses. This time we asked Kenji if he could support running our course, and he offered his help for preparing for dinner.

He brought his wife to the Academy and started cooking together from the morning. The menu 'gourmet tour in Kiso' was well thought after one of the original places of Japanese woodturning. Traditional food in Kiso area such as sushi wrapped in broad leaf and rice cake with miso paste were served with his handwritten menu on the table.
How was the taste?
There is no need to say if you look at those happy smiles on the participants' faces. You can't find any restaurant which serves such great food!
The great thing about Kenji's help is that he was one of our 'students' and he has now become one of our 'staffs'. Our short courses are so popular that we always have to decline some application. We are hoping that those regular participants would then become our supporting staffs to run the courses; cooking, accounting, even teaching, to satisfy the demand from the growing number of woodworking fans.
Great thanks again to Mr. and Mrs. Sakuma!
