The Craft and Furniture Making Dept. of Gifu Academy runs annual exhibition called 'Wanoseikatsu' or 'Japanese Life Style'. The idea of this exhibition is to reevaluate our folk crafts and furniture, and to create new crafts which suit our modern life. About twenty craftspeople will exhibit their new works this year.

There are series of events to promote the exhibition as well. The exhibitors run various workshop for the public, such as wooden puzzle making and soap sculpture carving. The first workshop took place on the 6th of August by Mr. Hiroshi Yamaguchi, the lecturer of our department. Seven participants from Hida and surrounding area, where the exhibition will take place, enjoyed a day course of wood turning. The youngest participant, Rumi Kitahira, 10, made a beautiful(!) wooden bowl with a little help from Hiroshi.

The next workshop is wooden whistle making on the 19th of August at Hida Sanshokan(0577-73-3288). Come and enjoy woodworking!


