16 July 2006

our first pole lathe / 足踏み旋盤できました!

We have finally made our first pole lathe for the craft and furniture making department!

The dimension of the lathe is taken from the books 'Green Woodwork' and 'Living Wood' by Mike Abbott, the green woodworking guru in Britain, who I studied chair making from.

They use heavy hardwood such as oak in Britain, but we tried Japanese cypress for easier transporting. You can assemble and take it apart in just ten minutes. Simple but works well.

We believe the pole lathe is the best tool for our Academy as we have a range of wood-related courses from woodland management to craft making. Actually some professors of environmental education course were so impressed by this tool that now they want to run short programs for nature schools all over Japan.

We are going to develop some small products for such programs, and train staffs for them, as well as developing smaller and lighter version of the lathe. We hope many students will come and study green woodwork at the Academy and they will run various programs at nature schools in Japan.


私がイギリスで椅子づくりを学んだグリーン・ウッドワーク(生木を使った木工)の第一人者、マイク・アボットさんの著書「Green Woodwork」「Living Wood」を参考に作りました。




09 July 2006

the great chefs / 偉大な助っ人シェフ

It is no exaggeration to say that the quality of the short courses largely depends on the quality of the meal at the dinner party. Delicious food makes the atmosphere of the course more friendly, and the participants get closer to each other.

We had great chefs for our woodturning course. Mr. Kenji Sakuma, who lives local, is a frequent participant of our short courses. This time we asked Kenji if he could support running our course, and he offered his help for preparing for dinner.

He brought his wife to the Academy and started cooking together from the morning. The menu 'gourmet tour in Kiso' was well thought after one of the original places of Japanese woodturning. Traditional food in Kiso area such as sushi wrapped in broad leaf and rice cake with miso paste were served with his handwritten menu on the table.

How was the taste?
There is no need to say if you look at those happy smiles on the participants' faces. You can't find any restaurant which serves such great food!

The great thing about Kenji's help is that he was one of our 'students' and he has now become one of our 'staffs'. Our short courses are so popular that we always have to decline some application. We are hoping that those regular participants would then become our supporting staffs to run the courses; cooking, accounting, even teaching, to satisfy the demand from the growing number of woodworking fans.

Great thanks again to Mr. and Mrs. Sakuma!







07 July 2006

woodturning workshop / 木工旋盤セミナー

The woodturning workshop took place on 2nd and 3rd July. Woodturning is one of the most popular short courses at the Academy. This time we invited two tutors from Japan and overseas, to learn the difference of woodturning technique in the West and East.
Mr. Ken-ichi Kawakami is a Japanese woodturner for Shunkei (a style of Japanese lacquer work). Mr. Eli Avisera is a professional turner who runs courses all over the world. It was a rare opportunity for all woodturning fans to have such special guest tutors at the same time.

Eli has been developing his unique tools and techniques. His tools are so original that they are manufacutured and sold on the market as Eli Avisera tools. We all took our hat off to his speed and skill which creates a beautiful piece of work in just ten minutes.

Japanese professional woodturners make their own tools by hitting a bar of metal. Ken-ichi showed us how to make his tools. Japanese style lathe and tools look more difficult to use, compared to the Western style wood lathe, and it actually requires a lot of practice.
The number of professional turners for Shunkei keep declining, and Ken-ichi, 57, is the youngest. He runs courses for younger generation at his workshop to keep the tradition of Japanese style turning.

On the second day the participants turned some pieces under Eli's tuition.

The whole course was so full of interesting stuff that many wanted to have more time to learn.
We will develop our courses even better. Come to the Academy and have fun!





05 July 2006

urushi -Japanese lacquer / うるしセミナー

Last weekend was one of the most busy weekends for the tutors and students at the craft and furniture making department. We organized one day course on urushi (Japanese lacquer) products for the gallery and shop managers on the 1st July. The next day another short course for the public took place, which focused on woodturning. We are planning to develop a series of short courses at this time of every year.

We invited Ms. Madoka Tone, Japanese lacquer artist who runs a gallery and a workshop in Gifu, Japan.
Many people tend to think that urushi products are expensive and difficult to treat. Madoka explained the participants that urushi is very strong and safe finishing material, and that urushi finished products are tougher than pottery and repairable. It is applicable not only wood but glass and metal, too.
She brought lots of her work, including two bowls one of which is new and the other is ten years old, used by herself every day and night. It was so impressive that the ten-year-old one had not grown old but keeps even more elegant shine than the new one.

We served some ice cream at the tea time with Madoka's lacquered bowls and spoons, as we believe it is important for the participants to experience the real product. You will instantly feel the smoothness and softness of the urushi finish on your tongue.

Every participant enjoyed this experience and the whole course.

We had a special guest 'student' at this course. Mr. Eli Avisera, a professional woodturner from Israel for the next day's course, was so interested in urushi that he attended the course whole day despite of his jet lag after thirty hours of travel. He even visited Madoka's workshop after the course.
We hope our short courses produce various network between makers and users, which would then create even more interesting products and activities!




