09 November 2007

ご来場ありがとうございました/ thanks for visiting exhibition




The Japanese Life Style exhibition closed on the 5th November. We had a lot of visitors during the week and many seemed to be interested in our activity.

This serial exhibition since 2002 is the challenge by various artists and craftspeople to create modern daily-use crafts out of the inspiration from indigenous crafts in Hida, Japan. This year we exhibited in Tokyo for the first time.

Every maker received different inspiration from Hida crafts; its design, the choice of material, the philosophy of those who made them...
What the Hida crafts attracted me the most was its superb function. People in the mountainous Hida area kept modifying their daily-use tools for generations. Each craft is the result of their long time effort. It works well without any electricity, any fuel, any metal fittings.


These are my work at the exhibition. 'The Joineries' pencil cases. I showed the part of this piece on my article before.
There are three different traditional Japanese joineries featured on them; from the front, 'Kake-tsugi', 'Miyajima-tsugi' and 'Shachisen-tsugi'.


These joineries were used to connect posts and beams for traditional timber frame buildings. After joining two pieces, the peg in the middle fixes them tight.
I was impressed by these clever joineries and wanted to apply them to small crafts.

To open the case, pull the peg out and slide the lid.



I spoke with many visitors during the exhibition. Many seemed to be impressed by our works, and some said, 'they were so beautiful... but I need a beautiful house first to display such a beautiful piece'.
But as a maker, I believe only single piece of beautiful craft can change the atmosphere of the whole house.

When I was making these pencil cases I tried to put Hida's cool and sensitive atmosphere on every detail of the box. Hida, where I studied woodwork, always reminds me of hard training, cold winter, daily life with tension. I am hoping this pencil case would ooze such atmosphere in the hands of who uses it.



I was able to make these pencil cases with a lot of help from my colleagues, friends, and people around me. I received a lot of compliments from the visitors. I would like to say thank you to all!

I will develop this project further.